Winter News

New classes and equipment

Greetings Potters!

2025 is off to a great start at the Studio! Since we’ve open, we’ve been tweaking our class schedules to better fit our community’s needs while adding new equipment to expand creative possibilities. We finally have a sign on the building and registration is now openfor Session 2 (March-April).

Whether you’re a returning student or diving into pottery for the first time, there’s something for you. We’re looking forward to a great year and can’t wait to see you in the studio!

Studio sign
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Fall Update

2025 Classes opened

Greetings Potters!

This fall has been a whirlwind of activity as we settle into the rhythm of running a new business. It’s been busy but exciting, with packed classes, a successful open house, and an amazing day at Apple Harvest Day. If you stopped by our tent, we hope you enjoyed our Pottery Pong game or snagged one of our limited-edition Apple Harvest Day stickers!

Studio tent at Apple Harvest Day
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Classes start this week

Hello potters,

We’re thrilled to announce that the studio is officially up and running! In recent weeks, we’ve installed new shelves, built tables, set up our pottery wheels, and organized the workstations. The kiln has been fired up and tested, and while we’re still adding tools, equipment and furnishings, we’re all set to begin classes this week.

Pottery classroom
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The Last Mile

with photos of the studio!

Hello potters,

We’re jazzed to show our progress at our studio with some latest pictures! Over the past few weeks we’ve been hard at work assembling shelves and organizing the studio. While we still have a lot to do we are getting close to a functional studio and now have some long awaited pics! Here you can see the classroom area with 9 wheels and student shelving.

Pottery tools

Read on for more pictures of the entire space!

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